FREE WordPress Plugins You Should Try
February 6, 2023 2023-02-06 21:55FREE WordPress Plugins You Should Try
FREE WordPress Plugins You Should Try
If you’re running a WordPress website, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of plugins. The good news is that they can be a powerful way to add features and functionality to your site without having to install new code or learn how to code. In fact, many of the most popular and free WordPress plugins on the market today have been developed by third-party developers who just figured out what people needed–and how easy it would be for them (and anyone else) to make their lives easier.
But what if there were even more free plugins out there? What if there were free themes too? And even more excitingly: What if these free plugins had equivalents available for premium members? Well, dear reader: We’ve found all those things here! In this article we’ll tell you everything about some of our favorite plugins that are completely free as well as some other great paid options we love too…and no matter what level of membership you’re at in your WordPress community, we’ll tell you where each one comes from so that you can get access right away! Let’s get started with AMP–the easiest way to improve your website performance
Table of Contents
1. AMP
AMP is a Google-sponsored open source initiative to make the web faster, which can be used to speed up your website. It’s not a WordPress plugin, but rather an HTML and CSS technology that can be integrated into any website.
AMP is already supported by hundreds of websites and applications including Facebook, Twitter and Google Maps.
2. Akismet Spam Protection
Akismet is a spam-filtering plugin that checks all comments for spam. It’s free to use, easy to install and easy to use.
Akismet has a premium version too! That means you can pay for additional features like IP blacklists and enhanced detection of comment spam.
3. All-in-one WP Migration
All-in-one WP Migration is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to import and export your content, move it to a new domain, migrate your site from one host to another, or even migrate it into a subdomain or folder.
All of this can be done using the same tool; no need for multiple plugins or complicated scripts!
4. Classic Editor
The Classic Editor plugin for WordPress is an essential tool for content creators who want to maintain control over their content. It allows users to easily switch between the classic editor and the new block editor, giving them the freedom to choose how they want to create their content.
With this plugin, users can customize their posts with a wide range of formatting options and use powerful tools like SEO analysis and spellchecker. The Classic Editor also offers a simplified interface that makes it easy for new WordPress users to get started quickly. With its simple navigation, the Classic Editor provides an intuitive experience that’s perfect for any level of user.
5. Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 is a free plugin that can be used for any type of website. It has all the features you need, including:
Easy installation and setup
Compatible with almost every email client (Gmail, Yahoo Mail) or SMS provider (Twilio) out there
Multiple forms to choose from so you don’t have to create them all yourself
6. Google Analytics by MonsterInsights
Google Analytics by MonsterInsights is a Google Analytics plugin that can track your website traffic. You can also use it to track your social media traffic, email campaigns and more.
The best part about this plugin is that it integrates with WordPress so there’s no need for extra plugins or extensions in order to get started!
7. Jetpack by
If you’re looking for a plugin that adds features to your site, Jetpack is definitely worth checking out. It’s easy to use, free and offers plenty of options when it comes to adding social media sharing buttons or contact forms. You can even use it as the basis for building other plugins on top of its functionality.
For example: if you want an image gallery with captions underneath each photo (like what Flickr has), then just add one option in your settings page for “Gallery” under “Customize”. Then simply choose from one of several different gallery styles like “Classic”, “Classic Grid”, etc., pick whether or not there should be a caption above each photo and how many images per page should appear before moving on down into more advanced options like image size & cropping ratios…etc..
8. Really Simple SSL
Really Simple SSL is a plugin that automatically redirects all insecure requests to secure ones. It works with every single type of WordPress site, including self-hosted and hosted sites. The premium version also offers extended features like certificate management and more advanced reporting tools.
If you want to protect your site’s visitors from hackers and scammers while they’re on it, Really Simple SSL is one plugin you should try out!
9. Redirection
Redirection is a great way to send visitors from one page to another, or even another website. You can use redirects to change the URL of a page or post, or even an image!
The most common use of redirection is when you want your site’s visitors’ browsers to take them somewhere else when they leave your site—for example, from Facebook’s mobile app into its desktop version on their home computers. This type of redirection is called “clickjacking” because it forces people who click on links within your site (on social media pages) into popups which look like official content but aren’t actually connected with what was originally clicked upon by the user.
10. Regenerate Thumbnails
Regenerate Thumbnails is a plugin that allows you to regenerate your thumbnails. It will regenerate all of your images at once, which can be useful when switching themes or modifying the size of an image.
The plugin works by replacing the old file with a new one and uploading it to your blog. This makes sure that if you have changed something in your blog’s design since last time, Regenerate Thumbnails will update the entire post with new images without having to go back into WordPress and manually replace any files that were changed after they were originally uploaded!
11. Yoast SEO
Yoast SEO is a great plugin for WordPress that helps you write better content and gives you the tools you need to focus on what matters the most: your readers and their experience.
Yoast SEO is one of the best plugins for improving your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). It helps you write better content, so that it can rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).
With this plugin installed on your site, all of its pages will be automatically optimized by Yoast’s powerful machine learning algorithm which analyzes over 200 signals from around 15 different sources such as Anchor Texts & Meta Descriptions etc., then produces suggestions based on them. The recommendations made by Yoast are based on an analysis done by Moz Pro that shows how well each page performs compared to other similar pages across various metrics including traffic value per visit along with other factors such as Bounce Rate/Page Load Time etc.,
There are a lot of great plugins out there, but the ones listed here are some of my favorites. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses, so I encourage you to try them yourself and see what works best for your particular site.
To read more about WordPress plugins, check out Comparing The Top 5 WordPress Firewall Plugins article.
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